How to use vwtool on Windows 7 64-bit systems
vwtool is a command line utility that allows you to analyze and modify various components of a workflow system. It is part of the IBM FileNet P8 Platform, a content management and business process automation software. However, vwtool does not support Content Services (CS) on Windows 64-bit operating systems. You need to install IDM 4.0.3 Fix pack 1 to work with CS[^2^].
In this article, we will show you how to install and use vwtool on Windows 7 64-bit systems. We will also cover some common vwtool commands and tips for troubleshooting.
Installing vwtool
To install vwtool, you need to have the Content Platform Engine (CPE) client installed on your Windows 7 64-bit system. You can download the CPE client from the IBM website[^1^]. After installing the CPE client, you will find the vwtool executable file in the C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\FileNet\\ContentEngine\\tools\\vw folder.
vwtool 64 bit win7
To run vwtool, you need to open a command prompt window and navigate to the vw folder. Then, you can type vwtool followed by the options and arguments that you want to use. For example, to connect to a workflow system with the user name admin and the password admin, you can type:
vwtool -u admin -p admin -s workflow_system_name
You can also specify the host name and port number of the workflow server if they are different from the default values. For example:
vwtool -u admin -p admin -s workflow_system_name -h workflow_server_name -n workflow_server_port
If you want to run vwtool in batch mode, you can use the -f option followed by the name of a file that contains a list of vwtool commands. For example:
vwtool -u admin -p admin -s workflow_system_name -f commands.txt
Using vwtool commands
vwtool has many commands that you can use to perform various tasks on a workflow system. You can find a complete list of commands and their descriptions in the IBM documentation[^1^]. Here are some examples of common vwtool commands:
help: Displays a list of available commands or detailed information about a specific command.
quit: Exits vwtool.
listqueues: Lists all the work queues in an isolated region.
listworkitems: Lists all the work items in a work queue.
deleteworkitem: Deletes a work item from a work queue.
trace: Enables or disables tracing for a workflow server or an isolated region.
jdbcread: Reads data from a JDBC data source.
jdbccreate: Creates a table in a JDBC data source.
jdbcdrop: Drops a table from a JDBC data source.
jdbcclear: Clears data from a table in a JDBC data source.
jdbccopy: Copies data from one table to another in a JDBC data source.
jdbcwrite: Writes data to a table in a JDBC data source.
jdbcreport: Generates a report from data in a JDBC data source.
Troubleshooting vwtool
Sometimes, you may encounter errors or problems when using vwtool. Here are some tips for troubleshooting:
If you get an error message saying that vwtool is not compatible with your Windows version, you may need to run it in compatibility mode. To do this, right-click on the vwtool executable file, select Properties, click on the Compatibility tab, check the box for Run this program in compatibility mode for, and choose Windows 0efd9a6b88